Detox curry

A recipe from our "Acid-Base Detox"

I wish you a happy 2022! I hope you started it well. I was very quiet over Christmas and New Years and got out in nature as much as possible. Thomas and I made a fire in the garden in the evening and took turns staring at the flames and the starry sky. Wrote on paper what we want to leave behind and thought about what we would like to invite into our lives in the New Year. In the afternoons I read books by free spirits on the sofa (including Tom Hodgkinson’s “How to be free” for the second time) and Thomas put on records by Miles Davis. We turned down all invitations, wrote down dreams, and poured a sip too much champagne into the pasta sauce. It was wonderful.

My biggest desire over the past year has been for me to be in nature, to feel free and to heal my heart. After my mother’s short and severe illness and death early last year, I still had and still have a lot of sadness to process. And for this there is no better tool than nature. She is like a big mother in whose arms I like to snuggle up when my view of the world is too gray again. In nature I become quiet. Feelings and thoughts come up automatically that have long wanted to be heard and seen. The voice of the soul is more perceptible outdoors. I’ve asked myself the following questions over the past two weeks and usually didn’t have to wait long for an answer:

“What do I no longer need, what do I want to leave behind?”

“How would I like to feel?”

“What can I do to make me feel this way?”

“What would do me good now?”

“What do I want to invite into my life?”

It’s nice to ask yourself these questions at the beginning of a year. Because then good intentions do not remain empty or refer to externals. When we ask ourselves these questions, we’ll make some adjustments depending on the answer, but they make sense and are good for us.

Acid-base detox

Just like every year, I’m doing my one-week acid-base detox at the beginning of this year because I know how good my body feels after a few days of alkaline-excessive nutrition and how clear my thoughts are then. Taking care of the body’s acid-base balance has nothing to do with good New Year’s resolutions, it should actually be a matter of course. But the beginning of the year is a good time to start. Because after the fullness of the holidays, it feels particularly good to relieve the body. Most people have a vague notion that acid-base balance is important, but tend to place the issue more in the realm of “wellness.” The acid-base balance determines the milieu that prevails in our body and thus also how susceptible we are to diseases, how tired or fit we are and even what our skin and hair look like. A gardener knows exactly what the pH of the soil needs to be for plants to grow well. And it’s the same with our body. It can either provide a good environment for our cells to be healthy or it can’t.
Because the topic is so important to me, I developed my acid-base detox, which includes alkaline recipes for a week that will fill you up, but at the same time improve the body environment and detoxify. Add to that a small yoga program that stimulates the lymph flow and thus the detoxification of the body – and you have your little retreat to take home.
Today I would like to give you one of the recipes from my acid-base detox for the beginning of the year, which is exactly how alkaline nutrition should be: delicious and beneficial. It contains a lot of green vegetables and herbs and has a blood-forming and cleansing effect. If comfort food were redefined as good for the body and soul, then it would be the ideal comfort food recipe.
And now my question to you: How did you start the new year? I look forward to your comment under this post!




Servings 4 Portionen
Cook Time 45 minutes
Print Recipe


Für den Reis:

  • 300 g brauner Basmatireis
  • 500 ml Wasser
  • 2/3 TL Salz

Für das Curry:

  • 1 EL Kokosöl
  • 2 Frühlingszwiebeln in Ringe geschnitten
  • 1 Knoblauchzehe geschält und gehackt
  • 1 EL geschälter und fein geraspelter Ingwer
  • 2 TL Currypulver
  • 1/2 TL gemahlener Kreuzkümmel
  • 300 g Brokkoliröschen
  • 200 g Karotten in Scheiben geschnitten
  • 400 ml Kokosmilch
  • 400 ml Wasser
  • 1 TL Salz
  • 1 abgeriebene Zitronenschale
  • 2 EL Zitronensaft frisch gepresst
  • 200 g Blattspinat in grobe Streifen geschnitten
  • 20 g Koriander mitsamt Stängeln fein gehackt


  • Den Basmatireis in einem Sieb waschen, in einen Topf mit passendem Deckel geben und Wasser und Salz hinzufügen. Das Ganze bei geschlossenem Deckel zum Kochen bringen. Sobald das Wasser kocht, die Hitze auf die niedrigste Temperatur einstellen und den Reis ca. 35 Minuten ziehen lassen, bis er gar ist.
  • In der Zwischenzeit das Curry zubereiten. Kokosöl in einer großen und tiefen Pfanne oder einem großen Topf erhitzen. Frühlingszwiebeln, Ingwer und Currypulver unter Rühren darin anbraten. Dann Brokkoliröschen und Karotten hinzufügen und ca. 2 Minuten anbraten.
  • Kokosmilch, Wasser, Salz, abgeriebene Zitronenschale und Zitronensaft hinzufügen und ca. 8 Minuten leise köcheln lassen, bis Brokkoli und Karotten bissfest sind. Dann Spinat und die fein gehackten Stängel des Korianders hinzufügen. Ca. 2 Minuten leise köcheln lassen, bis der Spinat in sich zusammengefallen ist.
  • Das Curry gegebenenfalls mit weiterem Salz und Zitronensaft abschmecken und mit dem braunen Reis servieren.
Wellcuisine Stefanie Reeb

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